Janice Hoagland, noted painter and instructor, has been part of the Ben Franklin
teaching family for over 12 years. Although she is admired for her outstanding
animal and equine oil paintings, she paints other subjects equally well.
Her traditional style captures the mood and life of her subject.
She conveys her love of painting and drawing to her students through humor
and warmth and has built up a devoted following over the years. Her students
are amazed at what they can achieve with her careful and individual instruction.
Her concepts of light and shadow, color and skill with brush techniques make
her classes sought after by many students.
A member of the Sultan Art Council, she demonstrates at local art shows and
contributes her time and talent to 4-H clubs, schools and other non-profit
organizations. Her work was featured on the covers of the bi-monthly brochure "Wild Animal Clinic", in Monroe, WA., from 1987-1993.
In March of 2002, she completed an 8 ft. mural of a Ginko tree, filled
with woodland critters, for the children’s section of the Sultan library.
Janice has won numerous awards and her artwork is on display in public and
private collections, including the collection of actor Harry Hamlin.